Allow me to change the subject…

Here’s an update for you: I’m working on changing the subject of this blog to focus on my efforts at cutting out plastic and going zero waste.

When I started this blog in 2020, I was facing a new breast cancer diagnosis in the middle of a global pandemic. Now, two and a half years later, the world is moving on from paying attention to COVID-19, and I am long done with treatment for breast cancer. Going zero waste and cutting out plastic have been a quiet ambition of mine.

Why? Because I can’t stand the thought of my plastic water bottles, straws and other trashing making its way down rivers and into oceans and forming country-sized mounds or getting into the mouths of whales and turtles, killing them.

I hate that something like a bottle of water takes 20 minutes to consume but lasts forever in the ocean or a landfill.

I’ve started cutting out plastic in some ways, but there’s much more I can do.

I think having the accountability of writing about my experience weekly might help push me in the right direction. And bonus — I get a new subject to write about. It’s a win-win for everyone.

My loosely formed plan is to come up with some sort of weekly or monthly challenge for myself and then write about it at least once a week here.

Whether you followed me to learn about breast cancer or you know me in real life, I hope you’ll stay tuned and follow me in a new endeavor.